Home Android Android Pie vs iOS 12: Is Google Finally Taking Over Apple?

Android Pie vs iOS 12: Is Google Finally Taking Over Apple?

Android Pie vs iOS 12

In the world of mobility and related services, Google and Apple appear as the two ends of the axis around which the entire smartphone industry revolves.

And as it happens every year, both the platforms have just revamped their operating systems with the latest Android Pie from Google and iOS 12 from Apple.

Now as mentioned, Android and iOS represent two entirely different philosophies and any comparison between their approaches to user experience or aesthetics is irrelevant at this point as both of them command their own legions of ardent followers. So let’s just take a look at the concenter features that both of this updates bring and how they stack against each other. Check which will win the battle, Android Pie vs iOS 12

Android Pie vs iOS 12- The notch and gestures

Ever since the launch of iPhone X last year, the design of smartphones has seen a major overhaul with most of them ditching physical or on-screen buttons and bearing a notch. The upcoming iPhones, as well as the majority of Android devices, are confirmed to adhere to the new design. And while both Android Pie and iOS have native support for this design shift, it is much smoother in case of iOS. Android, despite having all the requisite features, suffers from a critical nuisance- fragmentation. It might be a different story when we compare upcoming Pixel 3 to upcoming iPhone but for now, iOS 12 maintains the lead position in this regard.

Winner- iOS 12

Android Pie vs iOS 12- The assistant factor

Siri was the first virtual assistant on a smartphone and remained ahead of its peers for quite a long time. But now, it’s barely catching up with Google Assistant- in terms of the knowledge base, convenience, and features- many of which Google showcased at its recent I/O conference. While we’ll reserve a detailed showdown between the two assistants for future, it is undisputable at the moment that Android Pie is going to have a much better AI assistant than iOS 12.

Winner- Android Pie

See Related: Android P Developer Preview

Android Pie vs iOS 12- Products and services

Android and iOS aren’t just about the underlying operating system but also the over-the-top products they offer. And no matter how you look at this factor, it’s going to be a tie. Android, for instance, offers Google Maps- which is way more capable and productive than Apple Maps. But if you look at Apple’s iMessage, there isn’t one Android product that can fill its gaps. Other products like iCloud and Google Drive simply stand toe to toe and one can’t be said to superior to another. So, we’ll just call it a tie.

Winner- Tie

Android Pie vs iOS 12- Augmented Reality

This is a new feature that both of these platforms have been pushing hard through their ARCore and ARKit. And While Apple’s ARKit has garnered much developer appreciation; the open nature of ARCore is beginning to offer its advantages. At its recent event, Google showcased the inter-portability of its ARCore where games developed on it are compatible across all platforms- something ARKits lacks. Especially given the nascent stage of this technology, this is going to be a major advantage for both developers and consumers.

Winner- Android Pie

Android Pie vs iOS 12- Other features

While both Android Pie and iOS 12 are now available (iOS 12 is in beta), their flagship devices- Pixel 3 and iPhone are set to be released. And aside from the usual gimmicks, there is reasonable hope that both the companies would have some aces reserved up their sleeves that we currently don’t know about. It is only after the September launch of iPhone and October launch of Pixel that a comprehensive comparison can be made between not just the two platforms but also the best devices they represent.

Winner- Result awaited

Overall, we can’t claim an absolute winner as of now. Stay tuned for more details.